microcomputer type sodium ion concentration meter dws-k8凯发手机app下载

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microcomputer type sodium ion concentration meter dws-51


dws - 51 sodium ion concentration meter is a measure of sodium ion content in aqueous solution and design, especially for the power plant of high pure water (such as steam, water, boiler feed water, etc.) of the quality monitoring more applicable, also can be used in the structure of institutions of higher learning, scientific research departments and so on, petrochemical industry, microelectronics, determination of natural water, industrial drainage the sodium ion concentration in the water (or activity).

dws - 51 sodium ion concentration meter is a measure of sodium ion content in aqueous solution and design, especially for the power plant of high pure water (such as steam, water, boiler feed water, etc.) of the quality monitoring more applicable, also can be used in the structure of institutions of higher learning, scientific research departments and so on, petrochemical industry, microelectronics, determination of natural water, industrial drainage the sodium ion concentration in the water (or activity).

main technical parameters

1 measurement range:

a) pna value :(0.00 ~ 9.00) pna;

b) na concentration: 0.23 nm g/l ~ 23g/l.

c) mv value :(-1800 ~ 1800) mv.

2. resolution: 0.01 pna.

3. basic error of electronic unit: / - 0.02pna / - 1 word.

4 basic error of the instrument: / - 0.05pna.

calculation error of 5pna value ~ [na ] concentration value conversion: / - 0.3%(reading).

instrument repeatability error: no more than 0.03pna / - 1 word.

7 temperature compensation range test solution (5.0 ~ 50.0) ℃

8 stability of electron units:

9 normal operating conditions of the instrument:

a) the environment temperature (5 ~ 40 ℃;

b) relative humidity: no more than 80%;

c) power supply: ac 220v plus or minus 22v; frequency of 50 1 hz

d) no other magnetic field interference other than the earth's magnetic field;

e) no significant vibration.

10 dimensions: 1 x b x h, mm: 230 x 200 x 80

weight: 1.5kg
